November 2023 - Core Concepts



November 28, 2023

Core Concepts. 

(Bio-Individuality, Primary Food, Secondary Food, and Crowding Out)

Core Concepts: 

Health coaches provide support that is grounded in science and experience, utilizing a blend of conventional and contemporary methods tailored to each bio-individual client to identify what is most effective for them. To put it briefly, Health Coach specializes in helping clients become experts in their own right. Through my training with IIN, I have adopted some of the core concepts that have guided my health and wellness journey such as Bio-Individuality, Primary Food, Secondary Food, and Crowding Out.

Let’s take a deeper dive into those concepts. 

First being, “Bio-individuality” which is the most foundational theory. It is the notion that every individual has unique needs and requirements that evolve throughout life. Everybody is different in their mind, body, and spirit, and the things that contribute to their personal well-being are no different either. Finding the ideal surroundings, diet, or exercise regimen that supports your current stage of life and helps you thrive is all about experimenting.

Since we are bio-individuals, our nutritional requirements vary. What foods are best for you depends on a number of factors, including your age, history, preferences, schedule, level of activity, values, and even who you spend time with. Health is intricate and multifaceted. Thus, just keep things basic, incorporate what's helpful and eliminate what isn't, exercise critical thinking, try new things, and believe in what works for you. 

Now let's look at the core concept of Primary Food. The term "Primary Food" describes what we eat without a plate. It is primary food since our overall health is not just dependent on what we consume. We all know that food is necessary for survival, yet eating accentuates our multifaceted nature. To survive, we require more than simply food. Primary Food is powerful because it helps bring awareness to the full picture of health. It reminds us to take a step back when we are feeling imbalanced and look at our health from a big-picture perspective, what nourishes you on a deeper level.

With that being said, the term “Secondary Food” refers to food that we eat daily. In a way it’s our secondary choice.  There are many factors that lead us to choose certain foods, including: Stressors and lifestyle, a person's habits, emotional cues and activity level. Also, the surroundings; the resources available, as well as time and convenience.  Furthermore, the psychology and physiology influences play a part of our secondary food choices such as (the reasons behind your eating habits and actions). In addition, budgets, economics, social circles, culture and who we spend our time with can affect our secondary food choices. And finally your personal philosophy and or relationship with eating, and understanding of the nutrients in food play a role in our overall secondary food habits. 

Lastly, “Crowding out” means adding more of something positive versus eliminating what you know is not suitable for your wellness journey. For example, adding more whole foods into your diet or adding healthy lifestyle choices and decision making to your life, rather than focusing on removing certain foods or negative behaviors. Removing something from the diet or life doesn't usually work well for long because eating and lifestyle patterns are formed over many years and often include emotional decisions. The key to crowding out is the possibilities. Additionally, rather than restricting, it actually lessens desires for other meals, ways of living, and actions that are not favorable for growth. 

Well beautiful people, that wraps up this month’s newsletter. Thanks kindly for your time and be on the lookout for my official website as well as next month's newsletter where I’ll highlight aspects of Primary Food and how to feed your soul. Until next time, stay healthy my friends!! 


Chris Boyd: Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach



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