January 2024 - Our Relationship with Change!



January 26 , 2024

Our Relationship with Change!

Our History with Change!

As you begin this year, why not take some time this year to examine how much time you devote to your relationship with change? As in any connection, the more you know someone, the more you can react, assess, and take action in it.  In this newsletter, we'll explore change by considering it in relation to the larger picture, our own agency, the advantages of lifelong learning, networking, and the significance of our wellbeing.

Often, it’s not the actual change, but the uncertainty that precipitates unease. Change can happen to you, or for you. We are all prone to habits, patterns and predisposition and how we react to it is a byproduct of our history with Managing Change

Can We Change History?

Change itself, the shift from the routine to the unfamiliar is never easy, even when we choose it. Rather than focusing on the change, why not invite it in, welcome it, make room for it and create a relationship with it? Why not Embrace it?

The Big Picture and Purpose.

Practice dedication, give things meaning and be a creator. What I mean is; be involved in your work, creating a sense of purpose and meaning in what you do will help you maintain motivation for change when sliding back to your old habits seem easy. 

Understanding the big picture might help you broaden your perspective beyond your immediate surroundings at work and home. You can find possibilities for growth, interaction, and connections as well as the influence and impact you are creating within your personal and professional world by observing the links between your blueprint for life, any accomplishments, and activities and how they align with your goals and values. 

But why end there? There are an abundance of opportunities that have the potential to introduce you to new concepts, people, and purposes. I invite you to also consider how your action might impact future generations and Rediscover Your Joy, Energy, and Purpose.

Personal Power and Resilience.

Developing an Awareness of Yourself takes time and practice. We are all so entangled by our every-day tasks, and our responsibilities at work and home, that we have very little time to ourselves. Why not plan it? As little as 10 minutes at a time can help harness personal power because it is a walk not a sprint after all. 

In times of rapid change, there is nothing that will serve you better than regularly shifting the center of attention from out of the mind and into the present. When you Make Mental Health a Habit, even for a moment, you can have a small taste of what the Buddha discovered two and a half thousand years ago under the bodhi tree: that your real nature is infinite and free. 

Learning and Unlearning. 

See change as an opportunity to learn new skills, not as something to be avoided and feared. Keeping up with your learning, developing new and Marketable Skills, and brushing up on existing ones will allow you to be better equipped to deal with changing environments. 

It’s imperative to question your own mind and get in the habit of frequently asking yourself “was that statement fact or opinion?” Many of the things you know about anything could be in need of an upgrade. Unlearning what we thought before, then applying a curious and innocent mind to gather new information, can prepare you to embrace new opportunities. 

Networking and Collaboration.

Value friendships and seek a common bond and purpose with the people around you. We are always better when we collaborate! The chance to focus on the quality of your relationships can also allow for a greater purpose, contentedness and a rise in your energy.  Consciously leverage your gifts and talents and start a conversation! If you're passionate about your work, lead with it. When Building Informal Networks Strive for Authenticity vs. Approval, center on staying true to your authentic self.  Expanding your circle of information and inspiration, can build relationships that affords you new opportunities and a way to find people with whom you can have a productive relationship.

Energy and Well-Being.

It’s important to raise your energy everyday, go running, ride your bike, do anything that elevates your energy. Taking care of your well-being will not only be a good exercise for your body but your mind as well. When you raise your metabolic rate, your ability to deal with reality, and overthinking significantly improves. Managing your Emotional Response by facing your fear with preparation and being present in your path can also assist in the many changes we face on a daily basis. You can better recognize situational avenues of new opportunity when your energy is high enough. So increase your situational awareness to help you spot the diamonds in the mud.

Well beautiful people, that wraps up this month’s newsletter. Thanks kindly for your time and be on the lookout for my official website as well as next month's newsletter. Until next time, stay healthy my friends!! 


Chris Boyd: Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach



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